"Stone House" (In Dimasa it is called "Longthai ni Noh") a monolithic ancient Indian temple from the 12th century, situated on the bank of Mahur River on south Maibang.
A hand-crafted stone statue of Ram, Sita, and Jataiyu can be found in Bhuban pahar, Cachar, Assam. Veer Sambhudan Phonglo created all of these statues.
This is an ancient temple of goddess Ranachandi which was built during the reign of Dimasa Kachari king and still standing in the good condition near the northern Singhadwar of the capital.
This is a Dimasa Kali Mandir which is situated in Khaspur, Cachar (Assam). This temple was built by the Dimasa Kachari King Ramchandra Narayan Hasnu in the year 1743.