Dimasa riddle (Jibahade gishim, khibahade gajao)
This is a short video of a one line Dimasa riddle on Bullet and Gun narrated by Abesh Diruwa anad Nrityojoy Hojai of Kumacherra village -
"Jibahade gishim, Khibahade guphu = Guli manai hilai gaoba"
Black while eating, red while excreting = Bullet, riffle or gun shooting
In this Dimasa riddle the shooting of a gun is referred as black while eating red while excreting, as when the bullet goes inside it is black in color but when it is shot the red fire comes out from it.
The full line to line translation of a one line Dimasa riddle on Bullet and Gun narrated by Nrityojoy Hojai of a Kumacherra village,
Monali:- Dei arr riddles kai nainang kho.
Monali:- ok let's see more riddles.
Abesh:- Jibahade gishim khiba ha la Gajao. Bu jakade Guli manai Hlai gaoba.
Abesh:- Black while eating, red while excreting. It's a Bullet, means rifle shooting.
Moanli:- Hilai ?
Monali:- Gun?
Nrityojoy;- Shengbahala gishim baigodu ode gaoba hala wai gajao baigodu.
Nrityojoy:- While entering it is black and when it is shot the red fire comes out.
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