Ranachandi amai bidu ningkhe

This is a religious song where the singer is praying to goddess Ranachandi for her love and blessings.

This is a religious song in Dimasa. In this video this song is sung by Debu Hasnu Barman at Bijoypur. The song is on praying and seeking blessing from the goddess Ranachandi. The singer in the song is praying goddess to come and look after them as they have lost their land king and everything, without the blessings from the goddess they will not get back their identity , their land. So the singer is praying the goddess to care them, to love them and keep blessing them.

Cultural Narrative: 

Ranachandi amai bidu ningkhe

ranachandi mother praying you

'Mother Ranachandi I am praying you'

kasaohi jingkhe naiphaidi

love us   come and look

'Please come and look after us with love'

Ranachandi amai bidu ningkhe

ranachandi mother praying you

''Mother Ranachandi I am praying you'

jini sasodi ningde kokha, danglam jilam se gamajaokha

our curse you take out work food lost

'You have taken out all our curses, but now we have lost our work, land and everything'

ning kisa khasaohi, phungshi phaihi, danglam jilamkhe punuphaidi

you little care sometime come way of work way of food come show 

'Please, you come sometimes with care and love and show us the way to get back work, land and everything'

lama lumakhe punuriphaidi, khasaohi jingkhe naiphaidi

path pour come  show care love us come look

'Come and show us how to build path for our success, come and look after us'

Ranachandi amai bidu ningkhe

ranachandi mother praying you

''Mother Ranachandi I am praying you'

khasaohi jingkhe naiphaidi

love us   come and look

'Please come and look after us with love'

jini raji raja girikha

our land king lost

'We have lost our land and king' 

noh ru ha ru se jing jalaika


'Now we are homeless landless'

ning jingjang degaohi, jing ningkhe maiyahi

you us with left us you not get

'As you left us, we have lost everything'

dongnang bede habsaoha amai Gamadi       

stay how on world mother goddess

'How are we going to stay in the world'                                             

bihi thidu khuhi thidu ningkheladi

praying saying      saying you

'We are praying and teling you our griefs'

khasaohi jingkhe naiphaidi

love us come look

'Please come and look after us with love'

Ranachandi amai bidu ningkhe

ranachandi mother praying you

'Mother Ranachandi I am praying you'

khasaohi jingkhe naiphaidi

love us come look 

'Please come and look after us with love'

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